How to delete an invincible 0 byte file?

Solution 1:

Try del *. from the command prompt while in the folder the file's in. It will delete all the files in that folder that have no extension.

Solution 2:

Actually the del *. doesn't always work. The best answer I have found so far is:

  1. Open an elevated command prompt
  2. Enter del "\\?\C:\Users\userX\0bytefile"

... and voila, the file is deleted. No need to restart or anything else, just need to put \\?\ before the directory when using the del command. Also use the tab button to make sure the name is correct; sometimes a space is added at the end that can be easily missed.

An explanation can be found here: Why does this file apparently not exist when attempting to delete it?

Solution 3:

I can tell you one thing, I've sad on it for about 25 min researching internet for answers and not even solutions here helped, honestly i think people are trying to do it in the worst, most complicated way where there is and easy fix. I remembered old days, win98, xp dealing with the most complicated staff in systems because just wanted do more and more and i remembered back there there was only one best way to actually control all your files on a pc and i just got myself a total commander.

  1. Install
  2. Run as an Administrator
  3. Find the file/folder
  4. Delete with your keyboard 'DEL'
