How to ensure completeness in an enum switch at compile time?

I have several switch statements which test an enum. All enum values must be handled in the switch statements by a case statement. During code refactoring it can happen that the enum shrinks and grows. When the enum shrinks the compiler throws an error. But no error is thrown, if the the enum grows. The matching state gets forgotten and produces a run time error. I would like to move this error from run time to compile time. Theoretically it should be possible to detect the missing enum cases at compile time. Is there any way to achieve this?

The question exists already "How to detect a new value was added to an enum and is not handled in a switch" but it does not contain an answer only an Eclipse related work around.

In Effective Java, Joshua Bloch recommends creating an abstract method which would be implemented for each constant. For example:

enum Color {
    RED   { public String getName() {return "Red";} },
    GREEN { public String getName() {return "Green";} },
    BLUE  { public String getName() {return "Blue";} };
    public abstract String getName();

This would function as a safer switch, forcing you to implement the method if you add a new constant.

EDIT: To clear up some confusion, here's the equivalent using a regular switch:

enum Color {
    public String getName() {
        switch(this) {
            case RED:   return "Red";
            case GREEN: return "Green";
            case BLUE:  return "Blue";
            default: return null;

Another solution uses the functional approach. You just need to declare the enum class according with next template:

public enum Direction {


    public interface SwitchResult {
        public void UNKNOWN();
        public void FORWARD();
        public void BACKWARD();

    public void switchValue(SwitchResult result) {
        switch (this) {
            case UNKNOWN:
            case FORWARD:
            case BACKWARD:

If you try to use this without one enumeration constant at least, you will get the compilation error:

getDirection().switchValue(new Direction.SwitchResult() {
    public void UNKNOWN() { /* */ }
    public void FORWARD() { /* */ }
    // public void BACKWARD() { /* */ } // <- Compilation error if missing

I don't know about the standard Java compiler, but the Eclipse compiler can certainly be configured to warn about this. Go to Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings/Enum type constant not covered on switch.

You could also use an adaptation of the Visitor pattern to enums, which avoid putting all kind of unrelated state in the enum class.

The compile time failure will happen if the one modifying the enum is careful enough, but it is not garanteed.

You'll still have a failure earlier than the RTE in a default statement : it will fail when one of the visitor class is loaded, which you can make happen at application startup.

Here is some code :

You start from an enum that look like that :

public enum Status {

Here is how you transform it to use the visitor pattern :

public enum Status {

    public static abstract class StatusVisitor<R> extends EnumVisitor<Status, R> {
        public abstract R visitPENDING();
        public abstract R visitPROGRESSING();
        public abstract R visitDONE();

When you add a new constant to the enum, if you don't forget to add the method visitXXX to the abstract StatusVisitor class, you'll have directly the compilation error you expect everywhere you used a visitor (which should replace every switch you did on the enum) :

switch(anObject.getStatus()) {
case PENDING :
case DONE :

should become :

StatusVisitor<String> v = new StatusVisitor<String>() {
    public String visitPENDING() {
        return null;
    public String visitPROGRESSING() {
        return null;
    public String visitDONE() {
        return null;

And now the ugly part, the EnumVisitor class. It is the top class of the Visitor hierarchy, implementing the visit method and making the code fail at startup (of test or application) if you forgot to update the absract visitor :

public abstract class EnumVisitor<E extends Enum<E>, R> {

    public EnumVisitor() {
        Class<?> currentClass = getClass();
        while(currentClass != null && !currentClass.getSuperclass().getName().equals("")) {
            currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass();

        Class<E> e = (Class<E>) ((ParameterizedType) currentClass.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        Enum[] enumConstants = e.getEnumConstants();
        if (enumConstants == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Seems like " + e.getName() + " is not an enum.");
        Class<? extends EnumVisitor> actualClass = this.getClass();
        Set<String> missingMethods = new HashSet<>();
        for(Enum c : enumConstants) {
            try {
                actualClass.getMethod("visit" +, null);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e2) {
                missingMethods.add("visit" +;
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e1);
        if (!missingMethods.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(currentClass.getName() + " visitor is missing the following methods : " + String.join(",", missingMethods));

    public final R visit(E value) {
        Class<? extends EnumVisitor> actualClass = this.getClass();
        try {
            Method method = actualClass.getMethod("visit" +;
            return (R) method.invoke(this);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

There are several ways you could implement / improve this glue code. I choose to walk up the class hierarchy, stop when the superclass is the EnumVisitor, and read the parameterized type from there. You could also do it with a constructor param being the enum class.

You could use a smarter naming strategy to have less ugly names, and so on...

The drawback is that it is a bit more verbose. The benefits are

  • compile time error [in most cases anyway]
  • works even if you don't own the enum code
  • no dead code (the default statement of switch on all enum values)
  • sonar/pmd/... not complaining that you have a switch statement without default statement