How to translate a full excel sheet to another language with the Microsoft Translator?

Solution 1:

Workaround: Do the translation of the Excel table in Word

If you have a wide table with many columns, you might better change the layout landscape, large size, and narrow borders, but I have not done so and it should be unimportant since we will not work with that Word file anyway, we do not even need to read anything of it.

Copy the full spreadsheet into word with a normal Ctrl+V, then hover over the pasting method that pops up directly after insertion at the right bottom or press Ctrl. Choose not the standard insertion method, but the one that uses the destination format styles (the second one in my case):

enter image description here

Then, the Excel table will be pasted with its table structure in Word. Mind that this may take quite some time to react. After that:

  • Review --> Translate --> "Translate document" and choose the needed language. This again might take some time (10000 words need a few seconds). A new word file with the translated table will pop up.
  • Mark the translated table in the new Word file and copy it back to Excel, choosing to adapt to the destination format.

enter image description here