Is there a way to break windows2k8 r2 so it will not boot?

I've got an old Win2k8 R2 VM that is a bit of a bother to me and I want it gone. I have administrator creds to the Windows machine, but I cannot get on the hypervisor where it is running (in a remote datacenter with expensive remote hands access) (I'd have ssh access to the terminal, but somewhere along the line we lost the creds) and I do not have physical access to the hypervisor - even if I had remote hands, I'd need to give them creds I don't have and I don't expect them to root the system with me.

Is there a way I can permanently disable Windows from booting up without hypervisor access? It's an unpatchable OS that I need offline so that it doesn't become a compliance issue. I really just need to know if there's an easy way to destroy Windows from within, I can to it to linux easy enough rm -Rf / but I don't know of a good way to just hamstring Windows. I'm sure I could find one by poking around, but most of these sorts of help sites help people fix Windows and I just want it to die. Ideally, this would be something that I could undo once I reclaim the hardware.

Win2k8 R2 VM

It is a Virtual Machine.

If you want it gone, just delete it. VMware and Hyper-V both allow you to delete Virtual Machines.

You should be able to do this from the VMware Menu or the Hyper-V Menu. I see both here (two different physical computers). Password not needed for this.

That is what I would do in this case.

You can also log into the physical machine remotely and delete the machine folder or move the folder to an archive media if you wish to keep it for some reason.

If you need to access the host machine, Pogostick (Offline password reset) that might work. You can create a bootable USB or CD to reset the password. You may need to get someone at the location to assist you.

This is a utility to reset the password of any user that has a valid local account on your Windows system. Supports all Windows from NT3.5 to Win8.1, also 64 bit and also the Server versions (like 2003, 2008, 2012) You do not need to know the old password to set a new one. It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a CD or USB disk to do the password reset. Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
