Install and open KeePass on Mac OS X

How to install and open KeePass on Mac OS X form the User Interface and not just open a terminal and type commands?

Solution 1:

I use KeepassX on my macs so I don't have to use the terminal. It is free and you'll find it here:

Solution 2:

  1. downlaod keepass portable (zip-file)
  2. install mono
  3. create a shell script (e.g. like this (assuming keepass is in /Applications/KeePass-2/KeePass.exe):

    mono /Applications/KeePass-2/KeePass.exe /path/to/keepass-db.kdbx
  4. run chmod 755

  5. in Finder, right-lick on the shell script and choose "Open with", then choose Terminal
  6. From now on you can open Keepass from the finder by choosing the script