Default-zoom-setting for pdf-files in google-chrome

I use google-chrome as my default application for pdf-files. The problem that I have is, that the default-zoom of 100% is automaticaly applied (I would like 150% zoom) when I open a pdf document, which bothers me alot. I tried the following things already:

  1. go into settings and change the default zoom-level
  2. go into settings and change the default zoom-level for a specific site
  3. change the zoom-settings with tampermonkey (Chrom-extension)
  4. Chrome-extension "Zoom for Google Chrome"

Why they couldnt solve the problem:

  1. This solves the issue, but it also zooms in on every other side and makes google-chrome unusable for me
  2. This works well for web-pages but it can not be applied to pdf-files
  3. Tampermonkey doesn't seem to work on chromes pdf-viewer and I am also not capable to extract any information from these sites with the browser-console
  4. Also doesn't work on these pages

The reason why I need to use the google-chrome to view my pdf-files is, that I use one-drive everyday for my studies and the links to the pdf-files are for the browser only.

Solution 1:

#zoom=150 parameters solves this problem for web-links.