Sublime Text: How to jump to file from Find Results using keyboard?

If you File > Find in Files... ++F you're brought to the Find Results, listing the files and highlighted matches. You can double-click either the filename/path or the matched line to open the file at the right line.

I wonder if there is a way to do exactly what the double-click does via keyboard?

With Sublimes great file switching capabilities, I thought there must be a way to keep your hands on the keyboard when doing Find in Files....

Solution 1:

Try Shift+F4 (fn+Shift+F4 on the Aluminum Keyboard).

Solution 2:

It appears a plugin has been created to do this. Took a quick look, there are some additional features in the plugin. While my original answer below will work, it will be much easier to install an existing plugin.

Doable with a plugin.

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
import os
class FindInFilesGotoCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        view = self.view
        if == "Find Results":
            line_no = self.get_line_no()
            file_name = self.get_file()
            if line_no is not None and file_name is not None:
                file_loc = "%s:%s" % (file_name, line_no)
                view.window().open_file(file_loc, sublime.ENCODED_POSITION)
            elif file_name is not None:

    def get_line_no(self):
        view = self.view
        if len(view.sel()) == 1:
            line_text = view.substr(view.line(view.sel()[0]))
            match = re.match(r"\s*(\d+).+", line_text)
            if match:
        return None

    def get_file(self):
        view = self.view
        if len(view.sel()) == 1:
            line = view.line(view.sel()[0])
            while line.begin() > 0:
                line_text = view.substr(line)
                match = re.match(r"(.+):$", line_text)
                if match:
                    if os.path.exists(
                line = view.line(line.begin() - 1)
        return None

Set up a key binding with the command find_in_files_goto. Be careful when doing this though. Ideally, there would be some setting that identifies this view as the "Find In Files" view, so you could use that as a context. But I'm not aware of one. Of course, if you do find one, let me know.

Edit Pulling up the example key binding into the main body of the answer.

    "keys": ["enter"],
    "command": "find_in_files_goto",
    "context": [{
        "key": "selector",
        "operator": "equal",
        "operand": "text.find-in-files"

Solution 3:

on SublimeText 3 I had to use F4(for going to the current result file) and Shift +F4 (for previous result).

From the default keymap...

{ "keys": ["super+shift+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find_in_files"} },
{ "keys": ["f4"], "command": "next_result" },
{ "keys": ["shift+f4"], "command": "prev_result" },

I hope this post helps.


Solution 4:

the command 'next_result' will do this. using the neat idea muhqu posted about using scope, you can make it so that you can press 'enter' on the line that you want to goto:

,{ "keys": ["enter"], "command": "next_result", "context": [{"key": "selector", 
"operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files" }]}