configure kubectl to provision minikube localy instead of Kubernetes cluster in aws (AWS EKS)

You can do some reading about that here and here

But to keep it short : "By default, the kubectl command-line tool uses parameters from the current context (an element in a kubeconfig file) to communicate with the cluster."

To find out current-context :

tomas@ubuntu20:~$ kubectl config current-context

To find out available contexts :

tomas@ubuntu20:~$ kubectl config get-contexts

CURRENT   NAME                   CLUSTER                   AUTHINFO           NAMESPACE
*         arn:aws:...55-555e74  arn:aws:...55-555e74    arn:aws:...55-555e74
          minikube              minikube                 minikube              default

To change the current-context and to manage the cluster associated with it :

tomas@ubuntu20:~$ kubectl config use-context minikube
Switched to context "minikube".