Speed up (not turn off) animations in windows 10?

Is there a way to increase the speed of all animations in Windows 10?

I know you can disable it entirely through the System > Advanced Settings > Performance Settings > Visual Effects tab. But I like the animations and just want them to happen faster.

Solution 1:

Damn this old, but I found an article explaining how to achieve that. Heres the sauce.


First of all the standard warning, that this will include changing a registry-entry which, when done wrong, may be able to brick Windows. So be careful and pay attention.


  • First open the registry editor: Press "Windows + R" and type in regedit, then hit ok. You should be prompted for admnistrative rights from the UAC, hit yes on that and continue
  • In the new window find your way to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop (you can copy & paste this path in the box above, easier then to go through everything yourself)
  • Now select the entry called MenuShowDelay in the right pane, right-click it and modify the value from (default) 400 to anything you'd like. I would suggest changing it to 250

Congratulations, you have successfully changed the animation speed in Windows!

Please note, that the changes won't take effect until you have rebooted your machine