How to connect office PC microphone to home Pc microphone?

Solution 1:

One option is looking in call software settings. There's usually an option to pick which audio input source to use, and your laptop microphone can sometimes be available as a virtual device you can choose, depending on which remote access technology you use and what kind of call software you have.

However, this is unlikely to be a good solution, because of the extra latency involved. Everything you say will end up delayed. This is true no matter what you do for a remote access solution. There's already latency introduced for the VoIP call service, but the software can usually account for and hide it so some degree. Adding an additional hop through the internet will likely be more than the software can manage, and things will end up out of sync or delayed. It won't be a good experience on either end of the line.

A better solution is getting your IT people to help you install the call software on your laptop.