How do extractors get damaged?

Solution 1:

yes, the extractors:

  • take damage (only) while their work cycles. when they are done and still alive, they don't loose any more health
  • the more damage the higher the planet

on earth i think i never took more than 45% damage. can always do two runs without loosing it entirely there

It is also worth noting that Extractors will heal over time if you keep them put away, not extracting or waiting on a planet.

Solution 2:

An extractor can't die in one run, so it can't get hit more then 99%. If you deploy your extractor at 100% then he'll live we's done. So extracting overnight isn't a problem if you use a 100% health extractor.

What I have done is: I made multiple extractors but I can only extract one at a time because of my mastery rank. but when one extractor is damaged and is ready to come back to me I can deploy another one that I made and then the one that got damaged can heal up etc.