All my Folder and Application icons disappeared in Finder

I've been using Yosemite happily since it was released, but yesterday all my icons disappeared. See the attached screenshots. My dock only shows the icon for the Finder, and within Finder itself none of the icons for applications or folders show up. The only thing that seems to work is thumbnail previews for things like Word documents, PDFs and image files.

enter image description hereenter image description here

These are some things I tried already:

  • rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/* and sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/*
  • rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db && killall -HUP Finder Dock
  • rm ~/Library/Preferences/
  • I tried booting in Safe Mode, the problem persists there.
  • I even tried reinstalling the OS and for some reason the problem still exists.
  • Unfortunately I can't log in as a different user, this is a company mac and my login is our network login.

I'm at a total loss. What can I do? The only thing I can think of that I changed recently was uninstalling an app called Bitcasa by manually removing some of its application files, including /Applications/, ~/Library/Preferences/com.bitcasa, ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bitcasa.Bitcasa.plist, ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions/BitcasaIntegration.osax, ~/Library/Caches/com.bitcasa.Bitcasa, and ~/Library/Application Support/com.bitcasa.Bitcasa.

I was having a similar problem--not with icons in the dock--but Illustrator icons in Finder list view would just display as blank white icons instead of the Illustrator CC icons. Using the info in this thread, I showed all hidden files. This can be done using the XtraFinder app. Once all hidden files were shown, I went to the path below and moved the store.index file to the desktop and logged out and logged back in. The store.index file re-created itself and all of my Illustrator icons were back. You can delete the one on the desktop and empty the trash before once again hiding all the hidden files through XtraFinder. Solved!


The asterisks represent random folder names that are different for each computer. The last asterisk may have more than one folder. Find the C folder that is not locked.