Finder: Select a file after Copy & Paste

When I copy and paste a file in Windows, the last inserted file is selected automatically in the destination folder. Then I can (for example) press F2 to rename it.

When I copy and paste a file in OS X, the last inserted file is NOT selected in the destination folder. When I want to rename it, I have to look for it, select it and press Enter.

Is there a setting (or a shortcut) in OS X to select (or highlight) the last inserted file(s)?

Solution 1:

If you don't have a current selection, the Paste action will select the new pasted file or folder. Therefore, make sure you don't have a current selection when pasting and the file or folder will be selected when you paste.

A quick way to deselect any currently selected items before pasting is ⌥⌘A. If you'd like more automation in this, you can use Keyboard Maestro or equivalent to intercept a ⌘V and press ⌥⌘A first if you wish this to occur every time you paste.

                  gif of Finder to demonstrate

                  gif of two Finder windows to demonstrate

This answer applies to OS X 10.11.5 and I have also tested it in OS X 10.11.6b1.