unRAID OS Docker container connections

Solution 1:

The default bridge does only connect to other containers on the default bridge, this isolates containers and allows easy setup without compromising other "production" containers, this is by design. UnRaid also only exposes some setup options for containers, you will likely need to use terminal to solve.

Basically, your "bridge" containers are all on a /16 subnet, which is why they can't ping other IP. I suggest you read to familiarise yourself as best you can; https://docs.docker.com/network/network-tutorial-standalone/

Run docker network inspect bridge to check settings.

To change this you have a few options;

  1. You can confirm/edit the default bridge network settings. Details at the bottom of the overview. If you only wish to use ping, you shouldn't need to open any ports. Change gateway/dns according to your local network. https://docs.docker.com/network/bridge/#configure-the-default-bridge-network

  2. You could setup your own Docker network, with far more considerable network options. This is a little more detailed, and you have to be able to edit docker containers to do this, specifically change their "network driver", something which I am not sure UnRaid has options for through the GUI. https://docs.docker.com/network/network-tutorial-standalone/