Are partition sizes displayed in megabytes or mebibytes during installation?

Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Just to reassure myself: As far as I read in here, Ubuntu uses the correct decimal base interpretation of the MB prefix. So, in Nautilus, a file of 1MB is actually really 103 KB (1000 kilobytes) and 1GB = 103 MB (1000 megabytes).

However, I want to know if the same is true during the installation of Ubuntu, when creating the partitions manually. Am I right to enter 20000MB if I want a 20GB partition?

Solution 1:

Ok, I tested it today. Simply by doing a fresh install. Ubuntu uses MB during installation, i.e. the decimal base. However, GParted shows the partition size in MiB.

And in Kubuntu, it's total crap. Because both, Dolphin AND the partition manager, show file/partition sizes in MiB.

This is totally inconsistent. It should be the same systemwide, during install and after.