Search for flagged emails from the Outlook search bar/field (Ctrl+E)

I initially posted this on the Microsoft Answers site.

I like typing complex search criteria into the Outlook 2013 search bar rather than navigating the GUI and buttons to create a query. The syntax for the search bar is exemplified here:


What is the syntax for flagged messages? Neither of the following seems to work:

  • flagged:yes
  • flag:yes


P.S. My experience thus far is that the search bar/field syntax is the same for Outlook desktop apps and web apps. If there is an answer to this, I will be using it for both methods of email access.

From the link you provided, the criterias below allow the search for flagged emails:

due:last week                  Items that are flagged for follow up a due date.
followupflag:follow up         Items that are flagged using the Follow Up flag.
hasflag:true                   Items that are flagged for follow up.

You can also use followupflag:followup flag