Avoid manually creating folders first to move files within them

I have some files, for example

the punisher return.cbr
the punisher new adventure.cbr
undiscovered country america.cbr
undiscovered country canada.cbr

I need to move files in this way

the punisher
     +--- the punisher return.cbr
     +--- the punisher new adventure.cbr

undiscovered country
     +--- undiscovered country america.cbr
     +--- undiscovered country canada.cbr

I test this script

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir /AD /B /O-N 2^>nul') do if exist "%%I*.cbr" move /Y "%%I*.cbr" "%%I\"

but it works only if before I create manually the punisher and undiscovered country folders before to run script. I need to avoid manually creating folders to move files

Solution 1:

Best solution (there are many):

You can use RoboCopy with the /MOV parameter and it will create the directory for you.

Example: RoboCopy c:\FromHere\SomeDir c:\ToHereEvenThoughItDoesntExist\SomeOtherDir "%%I" /MOV