Make excel do multiplication across horizontal cells with stacked numbers within cells

enter image description here

I want to make excel automatically multiply the hourly rate by the hours done by person A and B up to Z to create the column D total dollars but my data is formatted this way.

How do I make excel do this without changing my formatting and having to take out a calculator?

As a workaround, when entering hourly rate ($) and hourly rate ($) data, add a space " " after the first line of data.
For example, "930 " and "3.5 ", you maybe could try this:

=LEFT(B2,FIND(" ",B2)-1)*LEFT(C2,FIND(" ",C2)-1)+RIGHT(B2,FIND(" ",B2)-1)*RIGHT(C2,FIND(" ",C2)-1)

enter image description here

In addition, in Excel, it is recommended to place only one data in a cell, which is extremely simple. enter image description here

No need to do anything else, try this:


enter image description here