What are the closest Unicode symbols to represent these icons (double arrow, bulb, CLI interface, multiple tabs)?

Solution 1:

On the website Shapecatcher.com you can make a drawing and it will try to determine what the closest Unicode character is that resembles your drawing (somewhat). I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with that website or its creator, and it is free to use.

Right-pointing double angle quotation mark: Β» U+00BB

Electric light bulb: πŸ’‘ U+1F4A1

Two joined squares: ⧉ U+29C9 or perhaps Upper right drop-shadowed white square: ❐ U+2750

Solution 2:

GNOME Character Map lets you search for Unicode characters.


  • Β» (U+00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK = right guillermet) – not semantically meaningful, so you'll have to mark it up for screen readers.
  • ≫ (U+226B MUCH GREATER-THAN) – also not semantically meaningful.
  • ⏩ (U+23E9 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE = fast forward) – means fast forward, but most emoji fonts display it strangely.
  • ❭❭ (U+276D MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT) – shown twice (and not meaningful)
  • ❱❱ (U+2771 HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT) – shown twice (also not meaningful)
  • πŸž‚πŸž‚ (U+1F782 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING ISOSCELES RIGHT TRIANGLE) – shown here twice (probably not meaningful)

I don't think there's anything better in Unicode.

Light bulb

  • πŸ’‘ (U+1F4A1 ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB = idea)

Command-line interface

  • ο„  (U+F120 in the private use area) – FontAwesome renders it like >_, but it's in the private use area so it's completely meaningless in other fonts.
  • πŸ—”β€βŒ¨ (U+1F5D4, U+200D, U+2328) – an Emoji sequence I just invented, meaning β€œterminal window” (I didn't have the characters for a more direct translation; sorry). It's not supported on anything, but it might be one day!

I don't think there's anything in Unicode.

β€œMultiple tabs” symbol

  • πŸ—— (U+1F5D7 OVERLAP = overlapping offset windows) – seems to be semantically the right choice.
  • πŸ— (U+1F5CD EMPTY PAGES) – displays as three in my font (Noto Sans Symbols2)

Solution 3:

Here are 2 symbols using box drawing characters.

Command Line Interface symbol:

┃ >_ ┃

Multiple tabs symbol:

┏━┻━┓ ┃
┃   ┣━┛