Changing Windows app shortcut properties without running the app in admin mode

Figured it out, thanks to this "How to Run Windows File Explorer Elevated (as Administrator)" article. Sharing with the Windows community and my future self.


  1. Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager, then switch to the Details tab and add Elevated column;

  2. Go to File/Run new task in Task Manager and run taskkill.exe /f /im explorer.exe (make sure to tick [x] Create this task with administrative privileges), that should kill the current running instance of Windows Explorer.

  3. From File/Run new task in Task Manager and run explorer.exe /nouaccheck, that should start Explorer in elevated admin mode (check the Elevated column status).

  4. Modify and save all the desired shortcuts. You should not see any Error Updating Shortcut errors this time.

  5. Repeat step 2.

  6. Finally, from File/Run new task, restart explore.exe in non-admin mode, this time make sure to untick [ ] Create this task with administrative privileges (verify that in the Elevated column).

task manager


explorer with admin rights

explorer non-admin