How to press Ctrl/Alt/Del on Macbook with no Delete key? [duplicate]

I'm using Boot Camp to run Windows on my Mac.

Last night I tried to compress the memory of C, then after that finished, it told me to

Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

How do I press these keys?

One of these should work. Option is Alt in Windows. Your Backspace key generates Delete (You might need to press the Fn key to generate Delete)

Control + Option + Delete


Control + Option + Fn + Delete

You should also try:

Ctrl Shift Esc

Here is an alternative. This worked for me in a slightly different and more complicated setup (connecting from a Mac to a Linux server through SSH and then from the Linux server to a Windows Server 2016 server through Remote desktop protocol using the rdesktop Linux RDP command line client).

In Windows:

  1. Click Start menu
  2. Click in the search bar
  3. Type "powershell"
  4. In the search results, click "powershell.exe"
  5. In the PowerShell shell that opens, type the following:

    Powershell -noprofile -nologo -noninteractive -command "(new-object -ComObject shell.application).WindowsSecurity()"

If PowerShell is not available, instead search for "cmd.exe" and in the cmd prompt, type:

explorer shell:::{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}

Taken from:

Note: if your Mac keyboard layout is not English US, it might be hard to get the {, } characters in cmd.exe. In that case try the following:

  • Change you keyboard layout on your Mac to English US (use System Preferences)
  • In X11's preferences, check "Use system keyboard layout"
  • In Windows, make sure to also set the keyboard layout to English US.

To press CTRLALTDelete on a macOS machine, ^delete will not work.
You will need to press ^fndelete to get it to work.
the delete key on macOS is backspace, and fndelete is the real delete.