Gaming with an ergonomic keyboard?

I'm thinking about about buying an ergonomic keyboard, but, I'm worried about gaming with it because I had never owned one. I currently have at my eyes at the "Perixx PERIBOARD-512".

Are ergonomic keyboards fine for gaming?

PS: I also have never owned a keyboard specially built for gaming

I personally use the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 at work and home (including lots of PC gaming). It looks quite similar in layout to the keyboard you mentioned. I've only been bothered by it while gaming on a few occasions over the last 5+ years of using it, and it's usually due to an awkwardly keypress. This is almost always resolvable by remapping the key to something on the left half.

To answer your question as well as I can (without having used the exact keyboard you're looking at) is that you shouldn't hesitate to get an ergonomic keyboard - the day to day benefits of lowered RSI risk far outweigh any negative gaming aspects.