Is it possible for me to create a Windows bootable USB flash drive using Linux running on a Raspberry Pi?

I was going to install Linux Mint on my laptop, was of the idea that it would work for what I need my laptop for. Only it didn't as i'm not very smart when it comes to Linux in the first place.

I was trying to create a bootable USB on that laptop for Windows 10 again only I did something wrong and now Linux is of my laptop also, so there's no OS on it anymore.

The only thing I have left is a Raspberry Pi 4.

Now my question is, the Raspberry Pi has Kali Linux on it. Can i create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows with this Raspberry Pi or am I stuck?

Use WoeUSB-ng

A Linux program to create a Windows USB stick installer from a real Windows DVD or image.

This package contains two programs:

woeusb: A command-line utility that enables you to create your own bootable Windows installation USB storage device from an existing Windows Installation disc or disk image
woeusbgui: Graphic version of woeusb
Supported images:

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Window 8.x, Windows 10. All languages and any version (home, pro...) and Windows PE are supported.

Supported bootmodes:

Legacy/MBR-style/IBM PC compatible bootmode
Native UEFI booting is supported for Windows 7 and later images (limited to the FAT filesystem as the target)

Install WoeUSB-ng's Dependencies


sudo apt install git p7zip-full python3-pip python3-wxgtk4.0 

Fedora (tested on: Fedora Workstation 33)

sudo dnf install git p7zip p7zip-plugins python3-pip python3-wxpython4

Install WoeUSB-ng

sudo pip3 install WoeUSB-ng

Installation from source code

Install WoeUSB-ng's Build Dependencies


sudo apt install git p7zip-full python3-pip python3-wxgtk4.0 


sudo pacman -Suy p7zip python-pip python-wxpython

Fedora (tested on: Fedora Workstation 33)

sudo dnf install git p7zip p7zip-plugins python3-pip python3-wxpython4

Install WoeUSB-ng

git clone

cd WoeUSB-ng

sudo pip3 install .

Installation from source code locally or in virtual environment

git clone

cd WoeUSB-ng

git apply development.patch

sudo pip3 install -e .

Please note that this will not create menu shortcut and you may need to run gui twice as it may want to adjust policy.


To remove WoeUSB-ng completely run (needed only when using installation from source code):

sudo pip3 uninstall WoeUSB-ng
sudo rm /usr/share/icons/WoeUSB-ng/icon.ico \
    /usr/share/applications/WoeUSB-ng.desktop \
sudo rmdir /usr/share/icons/WoeUSB-ng/

Other methods

Using ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

sudo apt update

sudo apt install woeusb