Show hidden folders in sublime text? (Mac osx)

Despite having hidden folders turned on, sublime text cannot see invisible folders in the sidebar such as a git repository. How can I fix this?

Mac OSX 10.7.5

Sublime Text 2.0.1

Do you mean in the sidebar? If so, you need to modify the folder_exclude_patterns setting. The default value for this is "folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS"]. In your case, you would want to make it "folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".hg", "CVS"] You can access user settings by going to Preferences -> Settings - User. Note that this will be applied across all of your projects. If you only want it for a particular project, you can create project specific settings.

Press "Command" + "Shift" + "." (dot) to show hidden files in the Mac OSX file chooser dialog.

Sublime text makes use of file open dialog from its host computer.

In Ubuntu, just enter Ctrl+H to toggle the setting to view hidden directories and files. The setting is persistent even after the close of the dialog.

In Windows, go to options/settings in Windows Manager, and enable "View hidden files".

I do not have Mac, it could be enabled.