Can I get a list of all current programs installed? [duplicate]

As you've probably noticed - I am a Ubuntu noob (I just got it yesterday.)

I have installed some programs through Terminal before, about 5-10 - so using Terminal doesn't scare me. But, I'm getting a new computer soon (yes, yes, I know I should've waited and did this on the new computer instead, but I was so excited! I'm sure you can relate ;A;) and I've heard it's hard and time consuming to move apps over to another hard disk, and it would be easier just to install them again. So, I will... but I don't really remember what I have installed and want an easy way to do this.

Is there any way to have a list of installed programs in Terminal or somewhere - and possibly even the apt-get commands to reinstall?

The magic keyword you are looking for is migration. You have the same question as someone who wants to move his current installation to a new computer.

Here is a quick explanation how to do it:

If you just want to get the list of currently installed programs, you just need the first command:

sudo dpkg --get-selections | sed "s/.*deinstall//" | sed "s/install$//g" > ~/pkglist

This will store your currently installed packages in the file ~/pkglist (~ stands for your home directory). You can open and review it with any text editor or in the terminal with

cat ~/pkglist

All you have to do is

dpkg --get-selections > list.txt

If you're trying to reinstall all these packages in another computer, just do

sudo dpkg --set-selections < list.txt && sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade

Open the dash, select the apps lens, and click on the installed section to see them all.

Also, reading your question more carefully, to get a text list, try dpkg --get-selections.