14.04 Chinese Ibus Input - No Options

getting my new 14.04 rig going ;-) Pretty happy with it, everything seems to be working great.

For Chinese input, however, having a problem. I went through the typical steps, open language in settings, let it install some stuff, then add Chinese and choose Ibus. Then, after logging in and out, I see the language icon in my system tray.

However, when I go to add the Chinese into Ibus, it only lets me choose "Chinese", which isn't an input method. It should give me a bunch of choices like pinyin, bopomo or whatever, I only use pinyin so don't know those names.

I saw someone online had a little command which helped people with similar problems, but it did not work for me, even after a re-start.

So, anyone got a solution?

Edit: Here is what it looks like, just "Chinese" in the list, when there should be a bunch of input options like pinyin, potomofo, and so on. No options for input method

1. I think you need to open Language Support and install Chinese(simplifed or traditional)

2. You can try to install Chinese input method manually

sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin 
sudo apt-get install ibus-sunpinyin

3. Restart IBus daemon

ibus restart

4. Then you can find Chinese(pinyin) input method in Text Entry Setting. enter image description here

Hope this is helpful.

Got it! I am so stupid haha...

Just run ibus-setup, that will get ibus going and you can choose your input method.

So simple...and I will never get that hour back ;-)

But it does seem buggy to be honest.

Once the Ibus-Pinyin installed, the ibus-setup is not even necessary, just chose in the language list "Chinese Pinyin" instead of "Chinese". Once installed, you can configure it easily from language choice list or from the Pinyin icon.

I wasted a lot of time on this question, I hope you'll get it quickly.