I'm in the Insider Dev channel, why can't I download the Windows 11 ISO?

Following the instructions on TechRadar, I joined the Insider program via Setting -> Update & Security -> Windows Insider Program and chose the Dev channel. I can now find the Windows 11 Insider Preview under Windows Update, but that's not what I want to do. I want to download an ISO and install it in a virtual machine.

So again, following the instructions on TechRadar, I went to this link. However, I cannot find any ISOs for windows 11, only for Windows 10 (see screenshot).

How can I download the Windows 11 ISO?


Solution 1:

Follow this guide here - https://nerdschalk.com/how-to-download-windows-11-iso-for-insider-dev-channel-build-yourself/amp/.

It uses software - UUP Dump to download the update from Windows Update and dumps it as an ISO file.