Meaning of DNSEnabledForWINSResolution

I am trying to interpret the results of wmic nicconfig list full, and I do not understand the meaning of DNSEnabledForWINSResolution.

If I consider the name, I would think that if I try to resolve a name with WINS but fail to do so, then DNS will be tried.

However, according to Microsoft's rather vague documentation (, it is the other way around: if a name cannot be resolved with DNS, then WINS will be tried. This sounds less sensible to me but I think the description says this.

So, which one is it?

I would agree with the Microsoft documentation. That enabling that option will prefer DNS over WINS for name resolution.

If that option is disabled then only WINS resolution will be enabled. If you are enabling DNS resolution in place of WINS then presumably you have a reason for it and would want DNS to take priority.

The name DNSEnabledForWINSResolution doesn't actually state which will happen first, only that it is allowing DNS resolution in place of in addition to WINS.