Any trick to get Internet Explorer 11 Mode Support (especially ActiveX plugin) running On Windows 11 (22000.51)

I was able to get IE11 mode and ActiveX working on Windows 11 preview build 22000.51 using a test page. I am not affiliated with the publisher of the page or aware of its security, use at your own discretion. If you have your own page then use that.

For reference, this is what the page looks like before anything is enabled: ActiveX not supported

  1. In Edge, go to the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner and go to Settings. Search for "mode". Switch the toggle on for Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode and then you will need to restart Edge: Settings for mode
  2. When you are on the page you wish to load in IE11 mode: open the 3 dot menu, go to More tools, and select Reload in Internet Explorer mode: Reload in Internet Explorer mode

To enable ActiveX, this is what I did:

  1. Open the the Start menu and start typing "Internet Options" to search and open the control panel.
  2. Go to the Security tab, select Trusted sites, and click the Sites button
  3. Add your site here and Close: Internet Options Add
  4. I set the security level for Trusted sites to Low. If you do not wish to do so, you can play around with the ActiveX options in Custom level, but I was not able to get it working after switching a few settings there: Internet Options Low
  5. I refreshed the page and it prompted me to allow the ActiveX plugin and the page loaded successfully: ActiveX prompt
    ActiveX supported