How can I run the "tar -czf" command in Windows?

I am currently running a computer which has access to only Windows.

I have to submit a folder after running tar -czf on it.

How can I do this in Windows, do I have any options?

If all you want is to create a tar.gz (also called tgz) file, then you can use 7Zip from

To run like "tar -czf" you need to chain two 7z calls:

7z -ttar a dummy c:\my\path\* -so | 7z -si -tgzip a x.tgz

This creates a file x.tgz containing all data from c:\my\path\.

The -so redirects the output to stdout and the -si option picks that data up.

Take a look at Tar for Windows.

The GNU Tar program provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as various other kinds of manipulation. For example, you can use tar on previously created archives to extract files, to store additional files, or to update or list files which were already stored.

The Win32 port can only create tar archives, but cannot pipe its output to other programs such as gzip or compress, and will not create tar.gz archives; you will have to use or simulate a batch pipe. BsdTar does have the ability to direcly create and manipulate .tar, .tar.gz, tar.bz2, .zip, .gz and .bz2 archives, understands the most-used options of GNU Tar, and is also much faster; for most purposes it is to be preferred to GNU Tar.

You want to install Cygwin or MSYS, they usually come with tar utility.

tar -czf creates a gzipped tar file, usually the extension .tar.gz or .tgz is used.

Windows has no built-in support for creating (or reading) tar files or gzipped files, and Microsoft offers no tools for this either.

This format can be created using, e.g., 7Zip; see for example this blog post: ( copy: apparently this blog disappeared). Many more tools could be used, see ( copy: apparently disappeared, to be replaced by

You can also download and install 7zip. With it, you can both unpack and pack many different compression types including gzip.