How to extract Folder from Macrium Reflect Free and preserve timestamp? (Windows)

I would like to extract my C:\Users\Userprofile from my diskimage.mrimg backup file I mount the backup image file in Explorer (Windows 7).

I drag and drop the folder or any older on to my C: drive, but the folder date is changed changed to present, filename timestamps are preserved.

Anyway to fix this?



Solution 1:

If you simply use Explorer drag & drop or the command copy, the date created is at that time. Use RoboCopy to preserve the date/time stamps. RoboCopy (Windows Robust Copy) is built into Windows 7 (and newer versions).

For example, if the mounted image is in G:, and you want to copy to C:\temp\ then enter the following in CMD:

robocopy G:\Users\<username> C:\temp\<username> /mir /copy:DAT /dcopy:DAT

The /mir switch mirrors the folder, /copy:DAT specifies copy file Data, Attributes and Timestamps and /dcopy:DAT specifies copy folder Data, Attributes and Timestamps.

This is also usually much faster than drag/drop or using copy.