Load thumbnail photos of Active Directory users as a domain user (not controller) to Outlook

Is it possible, as a user in a domain (without administrative rights), to add thumbnail photos of my co-workers so they'll appear in the thumbnail photo cube in Outlook?

Solution 1:

Yes, but you'll need to be delegated the permission to do it by an administrator of the Active Directory domain.

Here's a tutorial (there are several out there on the Internet) on how to perform the delegation:

  • How do I delegate control of the thumbnail photo field?

I'd spell out how to do it directly here in my answer, but you only asked if it was possible. :)

Here's a couple links with some good info on Delegation in AD in general:

  • Delegating administration (MS TechNet)
  • Implementing Active Directory Delegation of Administration

Here's a link regarding doing the photos specifically:

  • How to manage employee photographs with Active Directory

And a tool the purports to help (never used it personally):

  • Update your Active Directory picture with the AD Photo Edit Tool (MSDN Blogs)