Package choices when installing web server

Solution 1:

The Guidelines for Naming Fedora Packages defines package names and deals with such cases as in your example. This convention is followed by almost all Linux distributions.

Multiple packages with the same base name

For many reasons, it is sometimes advantageous to keep multiple versions of a package in Fedora to be installed simultaneously. When doing so, the package name MUST reflect this fact. One package SHOULD use the base name (with no version information). All other packages derived from it MUST include the base name suffixed by either:

  • The package version, which SHOULD include the periods present in the original version.
    • If the base package name ends with a digit, a single underscore ("_") MUST be appended to the name, and the version MUST be appended to that, in order to avoid confusion over where the name ends and the version begins.
    • If the base package name does not end with a digit, the version MUST be directly appended to the package name with no intervening separator.
  • a hyphen ("-") followed by a descriptive suffix such as "stable" which provides some indication as to the nature of the packaged version.


  • The python-sqlalchemy package occasionally has multiple versions in Fedora for backwards compatibility. The most current version of python-sqlalchemy is named python-sqlalchemy and an older supported version is python-sqlalchemy0.5. No delimiter is used in this situation.
  • The most current version of the v8 package is named v8. In order to package version "3.13", the package MUST be named v8_3.13.

So the version with just the name is the base version, all packages that append more information are derived versions.

Many types of derivation are possible. One of the most common one is used for marking older versions that are kept for compatibility with older software. But others are possible, such as additional tools or libraries for different programming languages.