How can I change keyboard layout on the login screen in Windows 10

I was unlucky enough to send my Win-10 machine into sleep with a Russian keyboard activated. Since then I'm can not enter my pin since it's uses Latin letters. After googling I was shocked to learn that this problem is something known to the community for years, [the

official advise]1 I found is to activate software keyboard. The thing is that I'm failing to see how to switch languages even with on-screen keyboard, since Win + Space is not working. This advise from the same thread:

Found a workaround. English characters can be typed by holding Fn+Ctrl+Alt+letter. C and X don't work for some reason, but the rest are ok.

Seems to be working, however I have @ symbol in my password and have no idea how can I enter it.

So my question to the community is - how can I switch back to English layout being stuck at login page in Windows 10 (or enter symbols needed somehow else)?

enter image description here

Try using Alt + keycode using the numeric keypad to put in the password. E.G., Alt+0064 is @. Add 0, 0, before the ASCII code.

It is far easier to just remove a local password using a utility such as chntpw, Kali Linux or Ubuntu.

After removing the password,

  • Log in (no password required);
  • Reset the keyboard;
  • Go to the User Accounts and put in a password for your account. If you have Group Policy set to require a new password, you may need to change the password, or that setting.

Caveat: This will not reset a Microsoft (remote) password.