Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock

Solution 1:

Seems there's a lot of general issues on importing modules to Android Studio, not just ActionBarSherlock, this answer might also address those. (However the last steps relating to junit are particular to abs)

The steps below allowed me to get ActionBarSherlock running with no issues.

1) Download latest ABS here:

2) Extract ABS you should have a directory in there called "actionbarsherlock". Copy that to your Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock (changed casing) -- > I now have my Android Studio Projects under \*documents*\Android Workspace\ As opposed to \Eclipse Workspace\

So you should now have something like :

\*documents*\Android Workspace\ActionBarSherlock\

Along with your main project maybe:

\*documents*\Android Workspace\TestProject\

3) Open Android Studio load your TestProject then goto File> Import Module... Now navigate to ActionBarSherlock under \*documents*\Android Workspace\ActionBarSherlock\ Click Ok and next all the way to finish. It will ask if you want to set a dependancy to the new Module (or at least mine did) click OK

4) at this point when compiling I was getting errors in \ActionBarSherlock\test\ complaining about Junit. I simply deleted the \Test\ directory from my ABS Module under project view. Right click \test\ > Delete.... You could also include the junit jar file but I don't think its necessary

5) you should now be able to compile without errors

Hopefully that helps someone.

Essentially though, I needed to re-download a completely fresh ABS, expunge my old project's ABS (which was probably quite old) then Import Module...

Solution 2:

This works for me..

first, followed an answer provided by wired00

and I made some changes from here.

I made a build.gradle file in ActionBarSherlock library project by Generate Gradle build files from Eclipse.

edit build.gradle(for ActioBarSherlock library project) , Add a line in dependencies {} compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')

edit build.gradle(for my project), delete compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar') and add compile project(':abs') abs should be ActionBarSherlock library project name.

edit settings.gradle, add ,':abs'

delete android-support-v4.jar files except the one in the ActionBarSherlock library project