60% RAM usage with very little running

I run Windows 10 and since a few days my memory usage has been around 60% all the time. I am pretty much a layman but can you help by looking at these print screens?







I assume that your Windows 10 machine is 64-bit (most are) and in any 64-bit machine, 4 GB or a bit more as base memory usage is entirely normal.

This has been true for my 64-bit Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines and customer machines as well.

You do not have anything to be concerned about. Also, because it is entirely normal, I do not think it warrants any special analysis or attention.

I am not familiar with Blue Stacks, but try starting with out Blue Stacks and also with just normal (say) Office Programs. It should still come out to 4GB plus or minus.

Remember that memory is to be used. Nothing is saved by removing apps that use memory. So long as your total memory (looks like 8 GB) satisfies your needs, again, nothing to worry about.

If you can, you might consider upgrading to 16 GB when / if there is a need.