Which locale related settings changes double quotes into "«" as I type

Good morning,
I'm working on a Windows 10 computer with Belgian locale (French language), and constantly my double quotes seem to be replaced by "«" (opening) and corresponding closing characters. This just happened while I was typing a mail in MS-Outlook, but I believe it to be general. I searched in MS-Outlook help for "smart quotes" but there were no result, I believe it is a locale setting, but I don't know which one. In top of that, in front of a question mark, an extra space is added too, which I don't want.

Anybody knows where I can find those settings?

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:

The option for Office is found in Word, menu File > Options > Proofing, click the button "AutoCorrect Options…", go to tab "AutoFormat As You Type".

The option name is "Straight quotes" with “smart quotes".

enter image description here