Parallel processing and order of execution with recursive loop

As per the MS Docs on regarding the feature and use case:

Normally, when you use the ForEach-Object cmdlet, each object piped to the cmdlet is processed sequentially.

1..5 | 
ForEach-Object { "Hello $_"; sleep 1 }

Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5

(Measure-Command {
    1..5 | ForEach-Object { "Hello $_"; sleep 1 } 

But with the new ForEach-Object -Parallel parameter set, you can run all script in parallel for each piped input object.

1..5 | 
ForEach-Object -Parallel { "Hello $_"; sleep 1; } -ThrottleLimit 5
Hello 1 
Hello 3 
Hello 2 
Hello 4 
Hello 5 

(Measure-Command {
    1..5 | 
ForEach-Object -Parallel { "Hello $_"; sleep 1; } -ThrottleLimit 5 

Because each script block in the ForEach-Object example above takes 1 second to run, running all five in parallel takes only one second instead of 5 seconds when run sequentially.

Since the script blocks are run in parallel for each of the 1-5 piped input integers, the order of execution is not guaranteed. The -ThrottleLimit parameter limits the number of script blocks running in parallel at a given time, and its default value is 5.