Phonegap - not working on HTML back button

I have tried 3 separate things when I faced the same situation:

  • window.history.back()


  • History.go(-1);

Individually, none of these solve the problem. I put all 3 things together and much to my surprise it worked. I really don't know what is behind it.

Then I decreased to two functions and removed:

  • window.history.back()

Now I am using this function and it is working fine.

//Works Fine
function onBackKeyDown() {

If you use the attribute data-rel="back" on an anchor, any clicks on that anchor will mimic the back button, going back one history entry and ignoring the anchor's default href.

it depends where you are: on my windowsphone 8.1 lumia 925, it works history.go(-1);, while; causes an exception before crashing.

On my Android (I believe the majority),; works properly.