Creating Custom Short cut Keys Ubuntu 12.04

I used to have my own shortcut keys to minify all the CSS and JS files for my websites after I saved the original larger version of the file. But that was on Ubuntu 11.04 and now I cannot figure out for the life of me to get the Alt + Shift + E to run my command. Anyone know what files to edit or what options screens to go through to complete this? Thanks in advance!

Like carnendil has mentioned. There is a tab entitled, "Shortcuts" in the "keyboard" option from "all settings". Down to the left, there is the option, "Custom Shortcuts". Use (+) and (-) to add or remove shortcuts!

For instance, to add the shortcut for (System monitor), press (+), a small prompt will ask you to enter the short cut name and command,

Name: System monitor Command: gnome-system-monitor

After pressing apply, the short cut will be disabled. Click on the word (disable) and press on the keys combination for your shortcut.