Changing the keyboard layout turns off the numlock

Turns out this is a known bug and the bug report includes a patch. You could try applying the patch and recompiling X or you could try this workaround:

  1. Save this script as ~/bin/

    current=`setxkbmap -query | grep layout | fold -s2 | tail -n 1`
    if [ "$current" == 'us' ]
        setxkbmap -layout gr
        setxkbmap -layout us
  2. Make the script executable with chmod +x ~/bin/

  3. Go to Settings => Keyboard => Shortcuts => Custom Shortcuts and assign create a shortcut that runs /home/stelios/bin/ (obviously, change stelios to whatever your actual username is).

You should now be able to use this new shortcut to toggle between your keyboard layouts.