A bit a of a newbie to anything network related so bear with me here.

I'm having trouble having a reliable SSH connection to my Raspberry Pi servers on my local network. Say I am running a minecraft server or a web server (say it was I use CMD on my windows machine to ping the server (ping When I get a successful reply, then I connect to it via SSH or other means.

But more often times than not, when I ping them or attempt to SSH into them, I get a "Destination host unreachable" or "Connection timed out". But when I reboot my router, it works perfectly fine for a while.

When I run "arp -a" on my CMD it sometimes shows.

My thoughts are that this is an issue with my router because ping and SSH replies are also the same when I use other devices.

This is truly frustrating. Thank you for your time

Here is the requested screenshot of how if I reboot my routed and everything works properly

Solution 1:

Did you set the IP as a static one on the device? Is the same IP also distributed by your router with DHCP? Because the output of your „arp -a“ shows that’s a dynamic one. So I assume you have IP conflicts in your network. Check which ip range gets distributed by your router and which IP’s you can use to set as static ones.