How to enable Chiral Scroll on touchpad in Windows 10

I have HP laptop which have 2 drivers related to touchpad/mouse - ELAN PrecisionTouchpad and ELAN Input Device. Changing anything with ELAN Input Device don't affect touchpad, even after disabling it touchpad work. Installing wrong driver in place of PrecisionTouchpad or disabling it, leave the touchpad not working, so have to install the default one again. So, I think PrecisionTouchpad is main driver.

I want to use Chiral Scroll (see video on to see what it is). It is very convenient for scrolling through long documents or browsing, than two-finger scroll.

It is available on Synaptics PS/2 touchpad driver but PS/2 drivers don't install over Precision driver.

I want to know if there is a way to enable Chiral Scroll? Either by installing the PS/2 driver or by using some 3rd party tool or some other way.

All suggestions are welcome.

I have written an application that implements chiral scrolling using the Windows Precision Touchpad driver. It should (in theory) work on any modern Windows laptop. Let me know if you have any issues with it.