$\def\unit{{\rm unit}}\def\join{{\rm join}}$It's well known that (discrete) probability distributions form a monad. Specifically, if we let $PX$ be the set of discrete probability distributions on elements of $X$, and notate them as a set of pairs $(x,p)$ such that $\sum p=1$, then we have natural transformations

$$\begin{align} \unit : X & \to PX \\ \unit : x & \mapsto \{ (x,1) \} \\ \\ \join: P(PX) & \to PX \\ \join: D & \mapsto \{(y,pq)| (x,p) \in D, (y,q)\in x \} \end{align}$$

that satisfy the monad laws.

Can probability distributions be made into a comonad as well? For that, we would need to provide natural transformations

$$\begin{align} {\rm counit} : PX & \to X \\ {\rm cojoin} : PX & \to P(PX) \end{align}$$

that satisfy the comonad laws. It seems that the role of counit can be played by mathematical expectation (as long as $X$ is an $\mathbb{R}$-module), but in that case what is the correct definition of cojoin?


Zhen Lin pointed out in the comments that if you want to have counit being expectation, then you need an $\mathbb{R}$-module structure on $PX$ as well as on $X$. The module operations on $PX$ are inherited from those on $X$ in the following way:


$$D_1 + D_2 = \{ (x+y,pq) | (x,p)\in D_1, (y,q)\in D_2\}$$

Multiplication by a scalar

$$qD = \{ (qx,p) | (x,p)\in D \}$$

As you point out, in order for having a counit $PX\to X$, you need $X$ to be equipped with an operation of taking "midpoints" of some kind. Otherwise, it is not clear what that map may be. In other words, it would work if you want $X$ to be an algebra over $P$.

Now, note that the algebras of the distribution monad $P$ have been characterized, they are sometimes called "convex spaces", e.g. here. A natural choice of objects on which $P$ induces a comonad is then just restricting to the category of $P$-algebras (where $P$ is considered as a monad). The counit is then the algebra structure map $PX\to X$, which forms convex combinations. Note that if we want such map to be natural, then we have to restrict the morphisms too: only the morphisms of $P$-algebras would do. In other words, $P$ induces a comonad on the Eilenberg-Moore category $\mathrm{Set}^P$.

This way, $P$ induces a comonad in the following way. Let's first see this abstractly. The forgetful functor $\mathrm{Set}^P\to\mathrm{Set}$ has a left-adjoint induced by $P$. Every adjunction induces a monad as well as a comonad: the monad on $\mathrm{Set}$ is just $P$, and the comonad that you get on $\mathrm{Set}^P$ is the one we want.

Now more concretely: the functor of the monad is really just $P$, except that we consider it on $\mathrm{Set}^P$. The counit of the monad is the map we just explained, and the comultiplication $PX\to PPX$ is given by $P\delta$, where $\delta:X\to PX$ is the unit of the old monad.

Note that in general $PX$ is not a vector space, but it's still a convex space, so it has a notion of midpoint (as a $P$-algebra, it is a free one). The operation of midpoint is given exactly by the multiplication $\mu:PPX\to PX$ of the monad.