Iterate over set elements

I have turned on the Chrome flag for experimental ECMAscript 6 features, one of which is Set. As I understand, the details of Set are broadly agreed upon by the spec writers.

I create a set a and add the string 'Hello'

a = Set();

but how do I iterate over the elements of a?

for(let i of a) { console.log(i); }

gives "SyntaxError: Illegal let declaration outside extended mode"

for(var i of a) { console.log(i); }

gives "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"

for(var i in a) { console.log(i); }

gives Undefined

Is it possible to iterate over of a set in Chrome 26?

Solution 1:

A very easy way is to turn the Set into an Array first:

let a = new Set();
a = Array.from(a);

...and then just use a simple for loop.

Be aware that Array.from is not supported in IE11.

Solution 2:

Upon the spec from MDN, Set has a values method:

The values() method returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element in the Set object in insertion order.

So, for iterate through the values, I would do:

var s = new Set(['a1', 'a2'])
for (var it = s.values(), val= null;; ) {

Solution 3:

I use the forEach(..); function. (documentation)

Solution 4:

There are two methods you can use. for...of and forEach

let a = new Set();

for(let key of a) console.log(key)

a.forEach(key => console.log(key))