How to destructure object properties with key names that are invalid variable names?
As object keys are strings they can contain any kind of characters and special characters. I recently stumbled upon an object which I receive from an API call. This object has '-' in it's key names.
const object = {
"key-with-dash": []
Destructuring does not work in this case because key-with-dash
is not a valid variable name.
const { key-with-dash } = object;
So one question came to my mind. How am I supposed to destructure the object in such cases? Is it even possible at all?
const data = {
"key-with-dash": ["BAZ"]
const {"key-with-dash": foo} = data;
console.log("foo", foo);
Just give it a valid name
let object = { 'key-with-dash': [] }
let {'key-with-dash':y} = object
// => []
Did you also know you can destructure with variables?
let object = { 'key-with-dash': [] }
let key = 'key-with-dash'
let {[key]:y} = object
// => []