Save file to specific folder with curl command

Solution 1:

I don't think you can give a path to curl, but you can CD to the location, download and CD back.

cd target/path && { curl -O URL ; cd -; }

Or using subshell.

(cd target/path && curl -O URL)

Both ways will only download if path exists. -O keeps remote file name. After download it will return to original location.

If you need to set filename explicitly, you can use small -o option:

curl -o target/path/filename URL

Solution 2:

This option comes in curl 7.73.0:

curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir /tmp/receipes

Solution 3:

curl doesn't have an option to that (without also specifying the filename), but wget does. The directory can be relative or absolute. Also, the directory will automatically be created if it doesn't exist.

wget -P relative/dir "$url"

wget -P /absolute/dir "$url"

Solution 4:

For powershell in Windows, you can add relative path + filename to --output flag:

curl -L --output build_firefox/

here build_firefox is relative folder.

Solution 5:

it works for me:

curl --output ~/Downloads/centos.iso 


--output allows me to set up the path and the naming of the file and extension file that I want to place.