Opening images sorted by modification date/size/type/etc

Suppose I have a folder with pictures. If I sort them by name once I open one with Image Viewer and navigate to the others the order is respected. But if I sort my files by modification date, for example, I can't do that. Basically, the default Image Viewer only lets you navigate images by name.

According to this thread on the Ubuntu Forums this has been an issue since 2007! Is there a good/easy way to fix it? Seems like such a trivial thing to me.

Solution 1:

Well I found here that installing gThumb is an alternative to it. Other suggestions welcome.

Solution 2:

You can rename the image files to add the modification time at the start of the name and then the image viewer will show them in order of modified date. Try the following command:

for name in *;do mv $name "$(stat -c \'%y\' $name) - $name" ; done