Remember what directories are open in one session of Nautilus

I was wondering if it is possible to remember what directories are open in one session of Nautilus, so that next time starting Nautilus, I can reopen the directories. Bookmark opened directories one by one is not what I ask for. Thanks and regards!

Nautilus does not support this functionality. What you might want to do is use session saving, or write a script to have nautilus open those directories by default.

You could replace nautilus with this script in your start up applications. (I will need more time for the script part).

I have yet to try this out myself, but this looks promising: "hot off the press" here's a relatively recent find:

So I did a little tweaking of the command and came up with this:

nautilus --sm-client-state-file ~/.config/session-state/nautilus-xxxxxxxxxx.desktop &

And it worked beautifully!

Last edited by tg3793; June 9th, 2012 at 08:37 AM.

Let's hope it works!