this: Cannot use this in static context

Can you please help me with below code. The error is: "Cannot use This in a static context"

public class Sample2 {
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        Sample2 sam=new Sample2();  

        //Below code works fine

        //Below code is displaying error

See, "this" keyword refers to current object due to which method is under exceution. As, you cannot call static method using instance of class. That is why, "this" can't be used in the above example in a static method as it is trying to print current instance wich is not at all created. So, I think thats why there is an compile time error that you are getting.

They keyword this refers to the instance of the class. In a static context, you have no instance, therefore you can't refer it.

For more information, refer to this answer: What is the meaning of "this" in Java?

In java you can not use this in static methods (static context).

Static methods do not point to any instance of the enclosing class.

A static method cannot refer to “this” or “super” keywords in anyway

Refer official docs on this keyword

If we try to access this from a static context , compiler has no way to guess which instance, you are referring too. main is a static method here.